BlessU-2 robot comes to Manchester Cathedral and the Museum of Science and Industry on a weekend visit from Germany

  • News
  • 19 October 2017
BlessU-2 robot comes to Manchester Cathedral and the Museum of Science and Industry on a weekend visit from Germany

Manchester Science and Industry Museum will play host to a major exhibition ‘Robots’ during the 10 day Manchester Science Festival but for one weekend only- the 100 robots will be joined by their German cousin, BlessU-2.

The BlessU-2 robot has been part of an exhibition marking this year’s 500 year anniversary of the Reformation in Wittenberg, Germany. This city has a historic association with Martin Luther and the events in 1517 which led to seismic political, religious and cultural upheaval across Europe.

The robot gives blessings in five languages English, German, French, Spanish and Polish. The machine is not a robot priest, nor is it intended to replace the blessing of a priest or pastor, but in an age of technology when many people are permanently attached to their mobiles and ‘feeling blessed’ on social media, what does a blessing really mean?

This church is no strangers to scientific debate with former wardens and intellectual heavyweights Dr John Dee and the Reverend William Herbert both playing their part in the field of science and the team here are really excited by the visit by the robot on Saturday.

Meet the BlessU-2 robot:

Manchester Cathedral: Saturday 21 October 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm

The Museum of Science and Industry: Sunday 22 October 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm

Canon David Holgate and other clergy will be available at Manchester Cathedral between 10am and 11am and 3pm-4pm to talk to visitors, and to give a blessing to those who would like to be blessed by a human priest, perhaps as well as getting a blessing from BlessU-2. Robot craft activities will be available for families. No tickets are required for this completely free event and everyone is most welcome.

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